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Venue: Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea Monroe North601 Bond Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49503​


Monday6:30am - 8pm

Tuesday6:30am - 8pm

Wednesday6:30am - 8pm

Thursday6:30am - 8pm

Friday6:30am - 8pm

Saturday7am - 8pm

Sunday7am - 6pm



Embark on a vibrant journey as I unveil the captivating world of colors and their profound impact on our daily lives. Colors hold immense power, capable of influencing our attitudes, moods, and emotions. Through research, I've discovered a fascinating trend: communities worldwide infuse their surroundings with vibrant hues to spread joy and happiness.This story has inspired my painting for ArtPrize this year, which also serves as the starting point for my solo exhibition taking place this summer in Michigan. The richness of elements and details, combined with vibrant colors, are the protagonists of this painting. Colors and shapes team up to create a fun and lively show, where colors express feelings and shapes tell exciting stories. Together, they make the art a colorful adventure for your eyes and imagination.

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